School Engagement & Truancy

LPS works closely with students and parents to ensure that all kids have an opportunity to learn. Regular school attendance is an important factor in a child's education. The average student in LPS misses about three days of school each year.  

Under state law, a student is considered Habitually Truant if they have reached the age of 6 by August 1st or is under the age of 17 and have missed 4 (or more) unexcused days of school in a month or 10 (or more) unexcused days in a school year. (Absences due to suspension or expulsion are considered excused.)  

A student is considered Chronically Absent if he or she is absent, excused or unexcused, for 10 percent or more of school days in the current year. Under school board policy, the principal determines which absences will be excused.

The LPS School Engagement Team provides case management, support, and resources to help students and families maintain regular attendance and overcome barriers to school success.  

School Engagement and Truancy Resources for Parents: Colorado’s Compulsory School Attendance Law